It's been a while and I apologize! Yes, I'm still alive and yes I plan on continuing to blog. Check out what I've been up to below.
First, if you don't know I've been regularly uploading videos to my YouTube channel. My goal is to make a video a week. I was trying to make sure each video got a post on this blog - I just got behind. Nevertheless I'm sure there is content there that you probably have missed so check it out! (By the way the numbers have been great! I'm already up to almost 30k views and it's only been a couple of months)
Career.js Podcast
Did you know I have a podcast? If not check out the Career.js podcast. In the last 15 episodes we've gone over a ton of tips on how to become better developer. About half the episodes are interviews and the other half are round table discussions on career advice for developers. One of my favorites was the creating a personal brand as developer episode.
Season 1 just ended and we are hoping to continue again in January with Season 2. If you are a listener drop me a line at Erik at and let me know what you like about it!
Ember.js Cookbook
In March of this year I released my first book, the Ember.js Cookbook. It's been an awesome experience and probably deserves it's own blog post. What I will say is that sales have been great. For my first book, I was hoping for at least 100 sales. I can't go into specifics but I blew past that goal in the first month and the book just keeps going.
Will I be writing another book. Yes, absolutely. It won't happen until next year though and I'll get more into that below.
The website traffic has plummeted! I sort of suspected this, I just didn't think it would happen so quick! I'm down around 30-40% in traffic. Most of my traffic comes from SEO and my blog has lacked any good new SEO articles for some time now.
I'm looking into ways to improve this - for one I plan on going back to releasing a blog post a week. We'll see in a month or two if that helps.
It's been super busy the last few months and the #1 reason is because I'm about to graduate with my masters. Yup, I'm an MBA student and I work full time. Being a family man with two kids also doesn't help my time situation.
This semester has been by far my most busiest. School is my #1 priority behind my family and my job so everything else has been placed on hold. This is not how I planned it. I thought I could continue with my blogging, videos and podcasting at the same time and I just couldn't do it all.
My plan for the next few months is simple. Continue to put out videos once a week and try to put up a blog post every week or two. If I get too busy things will be delayed.
Once January roles around I have a lot of stuff planned! Stay tuned!
P.S. If you want to here more about my personal update, check out the last podcast I did.