Hey Everyone! Today I'm interviewing Balint Erdi. He's written a book called Rock & Roll with Ember.js. It was released last February and it's great. Since then he's been hard at work updating it regularly as Ember continues to change.
In the interview Balint goes over how he came up with the idea for the book, the process of writing it and some the basic ideas behind it.
Please listen to the interview below!
If you want to get a hold of Balint his Twitter handle is baaz and his website is at balinterdi.com.
Next Up
I really enjoy doing these interviews so I'll probably keep on doing them every few weeks. If you haven't already done so check out my interview with Luke Melia. It's a two part interview where we talk all about Ember and how to build a community
What did you think? Tweet me at @ErikCH.
Image Credit Balint Erdi